Completed projects AllAgricultural projectsBusiness structures and ShowroomsIndustrial projects and LogisticsResidential buildings Showroom and warehouse Warehouse base and photovoltaic power plant Workshop for metal accessories for doors Expansion of warehouse for industrial goods and offices Shopping center and Administrative building Administrative building and industrial goods warehouse Electronic products assembly center, Detailing Studio, Office Building Residential complex Vida Verde Stage 5 Residential complex Vida Verde Stage 4 Warehouse and trading facility Warehouse for construction materials and metal products Production facility for printed matter – offset and digital printing Warehouse for fertilizer and vegetable treatmet agents Sales complex for industrial goods – Building 3 Sales complex for industrial goods – Building 2 Administrative building and warehouse Administrative building and production hall for plastic toys Distillate storage Enterprise for processing of bread products Tailoring workshop, warehouse and offices Warehouse and commercial base for floorings Warehouse for groceries and offices. Warehouse and manufacturing building for cigarette filters Shops for industrial goods Residential complex Vida Verde Stage 3 Warehouses for agricultural production Warehouse Printing base, offices and warehouse Showroom, warehouse and offices Warehouse for cosmetic products Warehouse for construction materials Manufacturing base for plastic products Residential complex VidaVerde stage2 Silo storage for essential oil cultures Expansion of feather processing enterprise Enterprise for down products Warehouse for car parts and offices Veterinary clinic Silo storage of rice crops and seeds and manufacturing hall Warehouse for perfumes and cosmetics Enterprise for processing and storage of fruits and vegetables Warehouse for industrial goods and offices Reconstruction and modernization of an existing milk processing enterprise Silos and warehouse for storing and cleaning raw maize Enterprise for fruit processing, refrigerated storage and manufacturing of fruit drinks and food supplements Offices and Shop for industrial goods Warehouse for foods and processed agricultural production Office, showroom and tailoring workshop Warehouse and dealership for car parts Reconstruction, modernization and enlargement of warehouse and showroom of “BULTEX 99” Sales complex for industrial goods with administrative part Residential complex VidaVerde – Stage 1 Silo base for grain storage Warehouse for tires Medina-Med Silos for grain storage Warehouse for soft drinks and food packaging Sewing Workshop Car showroom, car service and offices Production base and warehouse for fans Warehouse with administrative part Warehouse ” DERONI “ Warehouse for advertising materials Manufacturing base for plastic products Refrigerated warehouse Warehouse, offices and car service Bakery Private school Manufacturing and administrative building for metal products Factory for handmade chocolate GAJO Factory for cosmetics “Biofresh” stage 2 Lidl and retail park of stores for industrial goods Laboratory Advisory Centre for Education and Prevention Food Safety Lighting Store “ORION” Office building “TMT-ELKOM” Office building “EURODESIGN” Manufacture of cosmetic products “STARNAILS” Feather processing machines warehouse Factory for cosmetics “Biofresh” Service for trucks, auto parts store, offices and departmental petrol station Workshop for industrial preparation and cold processing of metals with administrative building Sewing workshop STYLER Technical trade center Logistic center “TMT LOGISTICS” Logistical and administrative building Warehouse with office section “AMEK TOYS” Warehouse with office section Warehouse service center and refrigeration products showroom “Klimex” Tyre center DIANA Industrial factories “APEX SERVICE” Grain products silos and warehouse Silo facility Silvia Russo Logistic facility for agricultural fertilizer and seeds AGROCOMLEX Residential building “Doctor Vlado” Str. Residential building “Gramada” Str. Residential building “Mladost” Str. Residential building “Ilarion Makariopolski” Str. Residential building “Petko D. Petkov” Str. Residential building “ Nikolai Haitov” Str. Residential building “ Todor Aleksandrov” Str. Residential building “Stoyan Mihaylovski” Str. Office building “KT International” Warehouse for storing whiskey distillate Silo facility and rice factory Office building “OFFICE PARK PLOVDIV” Contact Us! You have a project to discuss? Do not hesitate to contact us Here!